What is Cryptocurrency & Bitcoin? How Does It Work? Block Chain Explained |Learn Crypto Malayalam E2

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In this video, as part of my comprehensive A-Z free learning course on Cryptocurrency Investment and Trading Basics in Malayalam, we learn what cryptocurrency is, what is bitcoin, how bitcoin works, how blockchain works, how cryptography works etc. Come, let’s learn, earn and grow together. Cryptocurrency investment and trading masterclass in Malayalam by Sharique Samsudheen. Learn all there is about bitcoin, ethereum and all other altcoins.

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00:00 Introduction
03:28 What is Cryptocurrency?
05:42 What is Bitcoin?
08:34 How does Bitcoin work?
11:42 Understanding Blockchain Technology
14:48 Knowing Public Ledger
24:15 Behind a successful Bitcoin Transaction – The Process
30:24 Bitcoin Mining – What & Why?
32:31 End Note

#cryptocurrency #malayalam #bitcoin

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About the Author: George Valverde