Pi Network – How To Withdraw Pi Coin – How To Exchange Pi Coin

Pi Cryptocurrency – If & How You Can Withdraw And/Or Exchange Your Pi Coins!

If you don’t have a Pi account yet, sign up using 👉 https://bit.ly/GetFreePiCoins and use Pi Invitation Code “RauchenwaldC” (without the quotes).

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Read the Pi white-paper at 👉https://minepi.com/white-paper

Don’t want to watch the entire video? No problem. Use the time codes below to jump to a specific part:

00:00:00 Hello & Welcome
00:45 How can I withdraw Pi coins?
01:04 What can I do with my Pi coins at the moment?
01:23 Are Pi coins worthless?
02:08 When will Pi coins have actual value?
02:32 Where can I get more information regarding Pi?
02:42 How many users does Pi Network currently have?
02:50 How long will people receive Pi coins for free?
03:04 Are there other requirements besides the number of users for Pi to achieve a real value?
03:25 When will Pi be listed on exchanges like Binance or Crypto.com?
03:41 How can I receive free Pi coins?
04:02 How much will Pi Coins be worth?
04:23 How does the number of circulating Pi coins affect its future value?
04:27 Should I sell my Pi coins ASAP?
06:12 Why should I NOT sell my Pi coins?
07:41 What’s the takeaway from this video?
08:15 Is there anything else I need to know about Pi?

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Pi Network was founded in 2019 by multiple Stanford professors with the aim to create a coin that can equally be mined by everyone and does not provide an unfair advantage to people with more money or better hardware.

Pi coin the official cryptocurrency of the Pi network can only be mined until the Network reaches 100,000,000 users, and since there are currently only 7,000,000 users, you still have the chance to become a pioneer and be among the first 10% to mine Pi.

Since mining Pi happens on your smartphone and the mining speed is not determined by hardware or operating system of your smartphone but only depends on the number of people you invite to join your Pi Network it’s by far the fairest approach to building a cryptocurrency I’ve seen in a long time.

The biggest benefit of the current “mine Pi coins for free on your phone” phase is that we can be 100% certain that Pi Network is NOT a scam because it doesn’t require any investment at all to get started.

It’s not yet sure if or how much Pi coins are going to be worth in USD, but that really doesn’t matter that much.
For now, Pi Network and the Pi application on your phone allow you to mine the coin for free and even if the Pi Network project and with it the Pi coin die somewhere along the way, you did not lose anything.
On the other side, once Pi coin reaches the stage at which Pi coin can be traded on popular cryptocurrency exchanges it will have at least some monetary value making this one of the few existing opportunities to get cryptocurrency for free and benefit from it in the future.


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About the Author: Mollie Sparks