Ledger Nano S Setup and Guide – this guide will take you through how to set up the Nano S, the precautions you must take. How to send and receive Bitcoin (or Bitcoin Cash)
READ: https://boxmining.com/ledger-nano-s-review/
0:00 Why Get a Hardware Wallet
2:57 Ledger Nano S Setup
5:09 Recovery Phrase
6:37 Bitcoin (Bitcoin Cash) Wallet
7:48 Sending and Receiving Bitcoins
9:22 Ledger Manager
Download Ledger Apps: https://www.ledgerwallet.com/apps
Buy your Ledger Nano S: https://www.ledgerwallet.com/r/428b
NOTE: Please read the instructions. I’m not responsible for lost bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies.
💰 Secure your Crypto with Hardware Wallets:
Ledger: https://www.ledgerwallet.com/r/428b
Trezor: https://trezor.io/?a=6xd5fhdqqjng