7 Top Crypto Stocks To Buy in 2021 (High Growth)

In this video, I’m going through 7 TOP crypto stocks to buy today – I’ve done the research and these are my top picks if you are bullish on the crypto market!

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I’ll do an analysis of each company I go over, and go through the current events and news surrounding the company. I am big on cryptocurrencies and blockchain and these companies all have ties with crypto in one way or another. Some of them are riskier and high growth, and some are a bit safer (such as the ETF I go over).

Note – I may have an interest in these companies or stocks. My recommendations are just a suggestion to do further research- I encourage you to do your own research about each company and make a decision for yourself, whether or not you want to invest in that particular company. This video should not be considered financial advice. Do NOT buy a stock just because it was on this video. This video is just my own analysis of 7 companies and the current news surrounding them. You must do your own research before considering investing in a company (I recommend 1 hour minimum research per company). Always invest with a long term vision and try not to look at the short term.

Also – if you want a more technical analysis, there are other channels that will dive deep into the numbers 🙂 I like to talk about the news and where the company lies in the industry. I try and put things in an easy to understand format!

Happy stock buying! And if you want a FULL beginner’s guide (this is a 1 hour long FREE course I made), watch it here:

Please SHARE this video with a friend who could benefit. And LIKE and subscribe to get more investing tips like this on my channel 🙂

Thank you for stopping by! What crypto stocks are you investing in? Let me know in the comments!


#CryptoStocks #Blockchain #HighGrowth

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About the Author: Fannie Chatfield