Ever wondered how cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum work? Well, what better way to find out than to build one! Come watch this lecture by Haseeb where he builds a blockchain from scratch in Ruby. By the end, we’ll definitely all be rich with something resembling money.
Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/haseebq/lets-build-a-blockchain-a-mini-cryptocurrency-in-ruby
Github code: https://github.com/Haseeb-Qureshi/lets-build-a-blockchain
This talk was generously hosted by App Academy. App Academy helps exciting companies hire promising software engineers.
More than 2,000 young professionals apply for just 60 spots in App Academy’s 1,000 hour web immersive program. If accepted, they learn computer science fundamentals, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript and React.
For those that make it through the program, they get high paying jobs with companies such as Facebook, Google, Tesla or Linkedin.
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