Amber Group: Cryptocurrency Trend 2022 – Investment Tips, Digital Assets Platform Choosing and More

Crypto investment has become increasingly popular nowadays. While some see it as an opportunity, some see it as a big risk. We are glad to have Annabelle Huang, Managing Partner of Amber Group, to discuss the crypto trend in 2022 with us. Annabelle also shares with us the crypto investment tips and the importance of choosing a trustworthy digital asset platform.

Amber Group is a global leader in digital assets and infrastructure operating globally with offices in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. They work with companies ranging from token issuers, banks and fintech firms, to sport teams, game developers, brands and creators. Operating at the center of markets, they act as liquidity providers, miners and validators on all major exchanges, applications, and networks. Across all products and categories, they have turned over $1T volumes since inception.

WhaleFin is the flagship digital asset platform of Amber Group to empower users with the tools to build and the platform to grow your wealth digitally. Built with Amber Group’s deep expertise in institutional and consumer markets, WhaleFin is an all-in-one platform serving as the preferred digital asset gateway for customers at any experience level.

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投資加密貨幣是近年大勢,有人視之為機會,亦有人敬而遠之。我們邀請到Amber Group管理合夥人Annabelle Huang,跟大家剖析2022年加密貨幣的大趨勢,以至投資加密貨幣的秘訣及選擇值得信賴的數碼資產平台的重要性。

Amber Group 是全球領先的數碼金融科技平台,在亞洲、歐洲、和美洲均設有辦事處,與加密代幣發行者、銀行、金融科技機構、體育隊伍、遊戲開發商、各大品牌及創作者均有合作。運作於全球市場中心,Amber Group為全球主要交易所、應用、網絡等提供流動性、挖礦、和驗證服務。自成立以來,Amber Group在所有產品及類別上的交易額已超過1兆美元。

WhaleFin 是由 Amber Group 累積多年機構級專業服務經驗打造的旗艦級產品,致力於幫助用戶創造、管理並增加數碼財富。 作為一體化數碼資產平台,WhaleFin 為廣泛的個人用戶提供從入門到深度的多層次數碼化金融及生活服務。


0:00 Start

0:41 As an investment tool, what are the leading trends in crypto? What should investors consider when they invest into crypto?

2:57 For beginners, what are some of the recommendations you would make?

4:11 Which kind of crypto should I choose from? How should I pick a good crypto product versus a not so good to invest in?

6:09 What does Amber Group do? What is WhaleFin?

9:15 How is WhaleFin making sure that it will differentiate and offer extra value propositions to the investors and customers?

10:57 What trend do you see in the crypto world? And how do you see Amber Group and WhaleFin playing a role in the future trend?

13:07 It’s very rarely we see a young woman leading a crypto company. How do you make it? And what kind of advice would you have for not only young women but young people?

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About the Author: Nicolas Valverde